Anuket - Earth android gifted with incredible precision AND an advanced understanding of mathematics, trajectory, and geometry. She spent years of her life prowling around alleyways and jumping unsuspecting passerbys for quick cash. On a nightly walk, she noticed a police officer beating a homeless person, and quickly stepped in to defend the victim. Word got back to Valkyrie. She took Anuket in, cleaned her up, and employed her. Anuket was was then properly combat trained by Goliath for her new occupation. The site of her job is a large sectioned off area at the bottom of the ocean, in which in the very center lie a mysterious opalescent door. It is her sole duty to make sure nobody even gets a glimpse of the area, and to use force if need be. Her overconfidence and curiosity overtook her one day... and she opened the door. Upon hathor's dramatic entrance onto Earth, she was knocked uncoscious, and believes she must take responsibility for defeating her.

Valkyrie - An early model Earth android with an incredibly charitable heart. Growing primarily around humans, she learned of the incredible fragility and value of a life. By the time humans were a minority, Valkyrie had formed an organization whos function is to fund and create charity services to ensure a better quality of life for all. She makes money for donations by hiring an elite squadron of her employees to take down bounties involving those who take from the innocent. In a time of need, the executives of Earth collaborated with Valkyrie to hire someone to keep watch over an area with strict clearence... and that person turned out to be Anuket. Hathor's mad dash into Earth resulted in the destruction of multiple charity buildings, including one that Valkyrie was holding a meeting inside. Valkyrie became overtaken with rage, and ran outside to confront the menace. She managed to catch Hathor by the leg, slam her into the sidewalk, and beat her face in before the villian limply fled. Gathering up her bounty hunters and all her courage, Valkyrie goes forth to finish the job.